Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life's a Beach

We spent a few days "beach camping" in a secluded campground at
Munglinup Beach. There were only a handful of other campers and we
had the beach almost all to ourselves. The water was is a little cool this time of year
so we spent the days exploring, taking photos and doing some fishing.
The big ant in the photo was really curious and kept "looking" at us so we
took his picture. We also had a tiger snake come into one of the neighbours
camp one morning.  Never got a photo of him and because of his venomous nature
he was prompty gotten rid of. After a few days of beach life we moved on to
the beautiful town of Albany. There is a lot of history in this town as it was
once a whaling and military port. Bob couldn't resist having his photo taken behind the
wheel of this old ship called the "Amity". It first landed in this harbour in December 1826.
This is a replica of the original ship that brought the first European settlers to these shores.
Will give you some more photos and history of Albany on the next installment
of  "The Adventures of Bushy Bob & Mary-anne".

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